My name is Sarah Morris and I am the Isle of Wight East candidate for Reform UK. I believe we need something new, and that other Islanders want change too. I am extremely frustrated and disappointed with what we currently have on offer, and so I have to try and make a difference.
We, as taxpayers, deserve a system that puts us first. A government free from corruption and cronyism. We need to stop our money being wasted and given out in questionable contracts. Most of those who currently run the country, and indeed those in opposition, have no idea what we are facing now and in the coming years. Price hikes on food, energy and mortgage rates, alongside possible food shortages and power cuts. We need ordinary people with common sense speaking up for us.
A lot of families are on or very close to the breadline, and it absolutely wouldn’t be this way if the country was actually being run for us. We need innovative ideas to deal with the many costs of lockdown, be it financial, the toll taken on our health system or the impact on our children’s education. Reform UK has a solid plan that includes all the issues that need to be fixed.
The political class have been playing games with our lives. Their bad decisions never affect them. I am proud to be British, but we’ve lost focus and control. We need to reform the systems and get back to ones that work for us. Rebuild a country that we can be proud of, one we can be proud to pass down to future generations.
Fourteen years of Tory failure are coming to an end. A Labour government would ramp up mass immigration, crime, and taxes even further. Labour and the Tories are two sides of the same coin.
Only Reform is ready to stand up for common sense politics.
We set out our plan in this document, Our Contract with You.
Our Contract with You covers the most important areas of policy for you and your family, but we have summarised these into five core pledges:
1. Freeze immigration
All non-essential immigration frozen to boost wages, protect public services, end the housing crisis & cut crime.
2. Stop the boats
Small boats picked up & taken back to France - illegals in the UK detained & deported.
3. Zero NHS waiting lists
Deliver our fully funded plan for zero NHS waiting lists in 2 years. Cut waste so more money goes to the frontline. Tax breaks for doctors & nurses to tackle the staffing crisis.
4. Boost Wages
Lift the income tax starting threshold to £20k to save the lowest paid £1,500 per year. This takes 7 million of the least well-off out of income tax to make work pay.
5. Cheap, secure British energy
Scrap energy levies and Net Zero to slash energy bills & save each household £500 per year. Unlock Britain’s vast oil & gas reserves to beat the cost of living crisis and unleash real economic growth.
This is what Reform MPs will fight hard for if elected.
So if you want change, you need to vote for it on July 4th.
Vote Reform to get reform.
We are looking for supporters like you who believe in democracy that votes must be respected. It's time for Reform.
1. Stop voluntary Bank of England interest paid on Quantitative Easing reserves: £35bn per annum
2. Scrap Net Zero: £30bn pa
3. Cut wasteful spending £5 in £100 back office to invest in front office:
£50bn pa
4. Plus, smaller savings on benefits, Foreign Aid, HS amongst others
Reform UK are the only party who will do this.
On July 4th Vote Reform UK
Vote Sarah Morris
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Copyright © 2023 Sarah Morris Reform UK Isle of Wight - All Rights Reserved.
Promoted by Sarah Morris. 83 Victoria Street, London, SW1H OHW.